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Vesey Charity

About VZC

We create purposeful clothing inspired by nature and humanity to give change-makers the opportunity to say what they stand for without saying a word.

Wearable Art

Our Purpose

To give back by helping people express their values through wearable art that makes a positive impact on the world.

Wear Your Purpose

Our Vision

We envision a world where the clothing we wear has a purpose.  A world where supporting a cause looks like wearing a piece of art.

Look Good Do Good

Our Mission

In a world ruled by fast fashion, VZC's mission is to create sustainable clothing that has a positive impact on the world.  We give back to society and the environment by creating clothing that brings purpose to style - and bringing style to charity.



For more than 300 years, the Vesey name has been associated with inclusivity, community, and purpose. In 1709, under the guidance of Reverend William Vesey, Lower Manhattan’s historic Trinity School was among the first in the Thirteen American Colonies to welcome Native and African students into its classrooms. In a world where slavery still existed, this was a bold and revolutionary act.

William Vesey’s vision of a better future for everyone in his community—including the marginalized, underrepresented, and oppressed—is the guiding principle that informs and inspires Vesey Exclusive today. In 2020, we partnered with some of our favorite charitable organizations to create purposeful, sustainable clothing that celebrates nature and humanity.

And we think this is important.

In a global industry dominated by fast, disposable fashion, Vesey Exclusive’s mission is to create quality clothing that not only endures but has a positive impact on the earth. Vesey’s custom charity clothing is the choice of statement makers, change creators, and anyone who wants to express their values through fashion and who isn’t afraid to be bold. We make charity stylish so you can look good as you do good.

Reverend W Vesey

Now get out there and do some good

Want to learn more about Vesey?

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Looking for custom tailoring and personal style services?

We care about the planet too

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The Vesey Team

The Team Amanda


The Team Brett


Digital Marketing Creative
The Team Ari

Jeannette & Ariahnna

Social Caretakers and Creators
The Team Sarah


Design and Shop Manager



Vesey Exclusive Corporation is a California benefit corporation, a legal designation that allows for-profit businesses to pursue social and environmental goals in addition to generating profit.

Benefit corporations are required to consider the impact of both their decisions on society and the environment and on those specific public benefits identified by the corporation.
Vesey Exclusive Corporation became a California benefit corporation because our social and environmental values are central to our business model, and we want to demonstrate our commitment to those values.

As a benefit corporation, we are committed to the specific public benefits of (1) promoting, partnering with, and making donations to charitable organizations that espouse these values, including those supporting animals, the environment, health education, rehabilitation groups, and LGBTQ rights, and (2) offering and promoting sustainable garments that have a positive impact on society and the environment.

When available, a copy of our annual benefit corporation report will be posted to in accordance with California Corporations Code Section 14630.

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VZ Pride