“Hi, my name is Christian McPhetridge and I’m trying to reunite my family, by getting my brother Adam McPhetridge and Kasey McPhetridge into rehab. My sister Kasey is 27 years old and has been on the streets going on 7+years. She is addicted to multiple drugs (heroin, meth and others). She used to be loving, happy and very funny. She is an addict and no longer has that same personality she did growing up. She is slowly dying. My big brother Adam is 31 years old and has been addicted to drugs for more than 10+ years (Heroin, Fetanol). Known to others as happy, outgoing and very smart, Adam is slowly losing his sense of humor. He is also slowly dying. Unfortunately great rehab requires large amounts of money. I’m trying to help get them into a Rehab that can help them get off drugs and bring our family back together! Please help me and my family out, every penny means a lot! Love the McPhetridge family.”
Your donations here will go directly to helping Christian’s family.
Follow Christian on Social Media.
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